Year Abroad


It is a great opportunity that high school students choose to take to experience a term, semester or an entire school year abroad!

In Italy, children most often leave at the fourth grade level, but the Ministry of Education also allows the experience for those in lower grades.

A parent who supports their child/ren in this experience is choosing to invest in their future.

The experience leads to developing autonomy, maturity, improving one's language skills, and exposing oneself to diverse and international cultural contexts.

In fact, it allows the children to test themselves in a different culture by experiencing the everyday life of their chosen country.

We stimulate the children to be curious and motivated in facing this path. They need to be flexible and able to adapt to a new reality, but we monitor them to make sure they have as positive an experience as possible.

They can count on the on-site presence of a local coordinator, who is part of the staff of the foreign school or organization, who oversees and monitors how the family and school experience is progressing.

Students are placed with host families selected by schools or school districts abroad.

The Ministry of Education with MIUR Note No. 843 of April 10, 2013, "Guidelines on Individual International Student Mobility," established the guidelines for the program, which provides for recognizing the experience abroad as a continuation of study.

Ogni scuola italiana ha la discrezionalità di definire le proprie linee guida interne, spesso sintetizzate in un patto formativo con lo studente. Dà indicazioni sulle modalità di contatto con un tutor assegnato a scuola e le modalità di valutazione degli studenti al rientro.
Nella nota MIUR, l'esperienza è definita come opportunità per <<sviluppare risorse cognitive, affettive e relazionali, portando a riconfigurare valori, identità, comportamenti e apprendimenti secondo registri differenti ed acquisendo doti di autonomia e indipendenza degne di rilievo>>.
La nota Miur indica che lo studente dovrà sostenere colloqui di accertamento per argomenti o materie non seguite all’estero. Suggeriamo pertanto agli studenti di chiarire le richieste della propria scuola prima della partenza, e di costruire con la scuola stessa un dialogo costruttivo che faciliti tutte le fasi dell’esperienza, dalla partenza al rientro.

In relation to school-to-work alternation, the Ministry has issued interpretative clarifications, Miur-note-3355-del-28-03-2017, where point 7 elaborates on the topic of experience abroad.

Some educational institutions already convert the experience itself into a certain number of PTCO hours (ex. school-to-work alternation), assuming that the participation itself leads to developing competence in line with PTCO objectives. Others require providing documents showing participation in on-site activities or experiences that can be validated as PTCO hours.

It is always recommended that students get issued -while abroad- the supporting documentation required by their school such as report card or school report, and letters certifying hours of extracurricular activities functional to PTCO.




Before you leave

Relationship and enthusiasm.

Each experience begins with an informational meeting aimed at providing initial information about the programs and gathering the student's motivation to participate. We send personalized information for the programs of interest clarifying specific doubts and curiosities. Those who choose to participate then undergo a motivational interview to address the critical issues that characterize the experience and build together a pathway that prepares them for departure.

We assist the student with the enrollment procedures, guiding step by step document collection and filling out their enrollment dossier. But we also provide guidelines on how to prepare for the trip from a more psychological and personal point of view.

Before we leave, we meet with teens and parents in a pre-departure orientation meeting (a TeaParty) that concludes the process of preparing for the experience. This is an important opportunity to share emotions and information, and dissolve any final fears and concerns. During our TeaParty we talk with parents and teens consolidating a direct relationship with us.

The journey

Reliability and flexibility.

Our departures for long-duration programs are individual, but whenever possible we form groups that leave for the same destinations.

We select the best airline flights respecting the scheduled arrival and departure dates of the district school or foreign organization.

We support the family in visa application procedures, where necessary, prior to departure.

Living abroad

Security and selection.

We monitor the children's experience throughout their time abroad.
We make sure they get through the initial adjustment phase smoothly, remaining available for support and clarification throughout the school year.

We also rely on the staff on site to help us resolve any critical issues, trying to give all the support needed to overcome small obstacles or misunderstandings related to cultural differences, but ready to intervene where it is also necessary to resolve situations that require a family change.

We supervise remotely, unobtrusively, the path to autonomy and emancipation that the children face, creating a wealth of experience that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Study abroad

Seriusness and learning.

The experience allows students to experience school from a different perspective. Different school systems, new ways of relating to teachers, academic subjects in line with one's course of study, but also new subjects, unusual in Italy, that offer students the space to experiment in new areas.

It is important not to expect to carry on Italian curricula, because the student will create a timetable according to the programs provided in the chosen country. One's timetable is often finalized in the first days of school, between subjects requested by the student and those actually available.

The school will also offer opportunities for integrative experiences through clubs or sports.

In some cases, students may also find opportunities for extracurricular activities in the community where they live.

Documents Needed

Participation in the program requires completion of an extensive 'application' to collect student and parental data.
Report cards from at least three years of schooling are required; an English test (Eltis in the U.S. program) may be required; particularly in the U.S., many vaccinations are required; less restrictive is the program in Canada and New Zealand.
All non-European destinations require a valid passport.
Depending on the duration and destination, it may be necessary to apply for a student visa. We will give you appropriate guidance on this.